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Environmental Policy
EPIC is committed to managing all aspects of our operations in an environmentally responsible manner at all times. We care about the environment, and we ask our customers to do the same.
To ensure environmentally responsible behaviour is accepted as an integral part of our operations, we specifically undertake to:
- Endeavour to systematically reduce our impacts on the environment.
- Prevent pollution occurring from our activities and operations.
- Conduct operations in compliance with relevant local environmental regulations, licences and legislation.
- Communicate this policy to our employees.
- Educate our employees and contractors on their environmental responsibilities and ensure this is integrated into their work practices, training and decision making.
- Continuously improve the environmental performance of our company.
We consider that the environmental impact of our product has been minimised wherever possible. Measures have been taken to ensure that all production takes place with strict controls relating to wastage. Machinery used for production of aluminium frame and printed material are maintained regularly and used efficiently.
Aluminium frame can be re-used on vehicles; any damaged section of frame will be re-cycled. Printed material is guaranteed for 3 years but, in our experience, will last 5 years, retaining its high-definition graphics. Therefore, graphics can be re-used over and over again. All printed material is re-useable.
Re-cycling is an important issue to EPIC Media Group and we are constantly looking at ways to improve our carbon footprint.